Back to School Night

Tue, 09/13/2016 - 1:24pm
Lake Elkhorn Middle School's Back to School Night is Thursday, September 15, at 6:30 pm. The purpose for the event is for you to get information about our school and each of your child's classes. We look forward to seeing you! Please bring your student's schedule with you (taking a picture of the schedule or having the student text it to you are strategies some have used). If you do not have the schedule, we can print one for you in the front office. This event is designed primarily for parents, but students are welcome to attend with you. We will have staff and/or students to guide you to where you are going. Parking will be at a premium, so please consider carpooling or walking if you can. Many families sign up for PTSA at this event, so please remember to bring money for dues — parent membership is $10 and student membership is $7. Here's the schedule:
  • 6:00 pm - 6:30 pm: Gifted and Talented information meeting – cafeteria
  • 6:30 pm - 7:05 pm: General Meeting (PTSA and Administration) – cafeteria
  • 7:10 pm – 8:30 pm: Parents follow student schedule for approximately 7 minutes per class. For Related Arts classes, parents choose whether to attend the A or B day class

Also, less than half of our families have completed Family File information online. This must be updated every year to ensure that we can contact you in case of emergency. Please do this as soon as possible — it only takes a few minutes. Go to and click the login button to begin. If you need help, we will have staff available at BTS night outside the Counseling Center beginning at 5:45 to help.

See you Thursday night!